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Name of course |
Elementary mathematics |
2 |
Year |
1, Speciality Mathematics (economic activity) |
3 |
Semester |
1 |
4 |
Credits |
3 |
5 |
Lecturer’s scientific and academic degree, First Name, Patronic Name, Surname |
Ph.D., Associate Professor Tacciana Siarhejeŭna Mardvilka |
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Goals of course |
Adjustment of students to the modern demands of mathematical university education. Creation of a base for studying main mathematical disciplines: analytical and differential geometry, algebra, number theory, mathematical analysis. Description of basics of elementary algebra, elementary geometry, elementary functions from one viewpoint. Forming a basis of mathematical way of thinking, acquaintance of students with mathematical methods of constructing theorem proofs, studying algorithm of solving on particular problems of elementary mathematics At the end of the course a student will be able: – to transform and simplify algebraic expressions; – to solve simple algebraic equations and inequalities; – draw graphs of elementary functions. |
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Background |
Algebra and number theory, analytical geometry. |
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Contents |
Simple elementary functions. Exponent and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric functions and its inverse. |
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Bibliography |
1.Болтянский В.Г., Савин А.П. Беседы о математике. Книга 1. Дискретные объекты. ФИМА, МЦНМО, 2002. 2.Гельфанд И.М., Глаголева Е.Г., Кириллов А.А. Метод координат. М.: Наука, 1973. 3.Кононов С.Г., Тышкевич Р.И., Янчевский В.И. Введение в математику. Ч. 2. Минск: БГУ, 2003. 4.Колмогоров А.Н. и др. Алгебра и начала анализа: Учебное пособие для 9–10 кл. сред. шк. М.: Просвещение, 1986. 5.Потапов М.К. и др. Алгебра, тригонометрия и элементарные функции: Учеб. пособие. М.: Высшая школа, 2001. 6.Новоселов С.В. Специальный курс тригонометрии. М.: Высшая школа, 1967. 7.Бачурин В.А. Задачи по элементарной математике и началам математического анализа. М.: Физматлит, 2005. 8.Болтянский В.Г., Сидоров Ю.В., Шабунин М.И. Лекции и задачи по элементарной математике. М.: Наука, 1974. |
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Methods of teaching |
Comparative method, problematic method, dialog and heuristic method, method of forming knowledge of a personal significance. |
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Language |
English |
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Requirements, monitoring |
–estimation of individual student works; –class test work. |
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Form of assessment |
Test |