2 semester


Name of the course

Computer Mathematics


Training Course

1; 1-31 03 01 Mathematics (by directions), specialty direction 1-31 03 01-03

Mathematics (economic activity)





Number of credits



Name of the lecturer

Associate Professor Shcheglova Natalya Leonidovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor


Purpose of the discipline

Formation of students’ skills and research skills in the modern computer mathematical environment Mathematica. As a result of the training, the student must


– The ideology of the system and the principles of work in it; tools, data structures; features of building user functions; the possibility of visualizing research and formalizing research results in the form of publications;

be able to:

– apply a modern mathematical apparatus in effective integration with computer mathematical tools;

– create and explore mathematical, computer, simulation models of different levels of abstraction;

– to develop and analyze methods, algorithms, and software solutions for research topics;

– skillfully apply the Wolfram programming language;

– analyze the results of research, build information models;

– prepare materials for publication on the topics and results of ongoing research;

– independently expand computer mathematical knowledge with their further use in the construction and analysis of mathematical and computer models of a wide range of theoretical and applied problems.



The courses of the first semester and the courses of the current semester of disciplines “Algebra and Number Theory”, “Geometry”, “Mathematical Analysis”, “Programming Methods and Informatics”.


Content of discipline 

The structure of symbolic packages and the scenario of work. Expression as the main data structure. Samples, their classification, construction, use. Graphic arts. Visualization of research. The symbol is the main object in the calculations. Functional style of programming. Programming based on the rules of transformation. The order of evaluation of expressions. Principles of localization of variables. Contexts and packages.


Recommended literature

1. Goloubeva, L. L. Computer mathematics. Symbolic package Mathematica: a course of lectures / L. L. Goloubeva, A. E. Malevich, N. L. Scheglova. Minsk: BSU, 2005. 103 pp.

2. Goloubeva, L. L. Computer mathematics. Symbol package Mathematica: lab. workshop. At 2 o’clock Part 1. / L. L. Goloubeva, A. E. Malevich, N. L. Shcheglova. Minsk: BSU, 2012. 235 p.

3. Shifrin, L. Mathematica Programming: An Advanced Introduction. / L. Shifrin. Meduim: e-book, 2008, 408 p.

4. Nikulin E.A. Computer geometry and computer graphics algorithms. St. Petersburg, BHV – Petersburg, 2003.

5. Vorobiev, EM Introduction to the system “Mathematics”: Proc. allowance. M: Finance and Statistics, 1998. 262 p.

6. Maeder, R. Computer Science with Mathematica: Theory and Practice for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering / R. Maeder. Cambridge Univ Pr, 2006. 389 p.


Methods of Problem

Explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partially search


Language learning



Conditions (requirements) of the current control

Test, control tasks


Form current certification

Credit, exam