5 semester


The name of the discipline

Theoretical mechanics (kinematics, dynamics and point system)


Course of study specialty

3, specialty





Qty. credits



Name of Lecturer

Cand. Phys.-math. Sciences, Associate Professor
Savchuk Vladimir Petrovich


The objectives of the study discipline

Understanding of basic principles describe the movements of mechanical objects. To provide the students with the theoretical basics of dynamics and dynamic modeling of technical processes and natural phenomena. Study of the basic laws of dynamics, its General theorems. The establishment of mathematical models that describe the movement points and systems under the influence of specific classes of forces. Skills of problem solving.

As a result of the study, the student should be able to:

  • describe motion of material points and solids and find their kinematic characteristics: trajectory, speed and Acceleration;
  • describe a complex movement points and solids.
  • apply basic laws and General theorems Dynamics point motion study points in field kvaziuprugih field forces of the central powers, when driving point in non-inertial systems;
  • apply the General theorem for Dynamics motion studies of mechanical systems;
  • compose and address the problem of the motion of bodies of variable mass.



Basis of mathematical analysis, differential geometry and differential equations.


Table of contents discipline

How to describe the motion of a point and a rigid body kinematics and defining their characteristics. Types of movements is absolutely solid and definition of kinematic characteristics of solids and their points. Kinematics of a complex movement point and solid. Differential equations of motion of a material point. General theorem for Dynamics of the point. Straight point fluctuations. Movement points in the field of the central powers, the dynamics of space flight. Proprietary motion of a material point. Relative motion.

The basic concepts of communication, the main dynamic values. General theorem for Dynamics system. Variable mass point dynamics.


Recommended literature

  1. Buchholz N.n. basic course of theoretical mechanics. h.i. – II. M. Nauka, 1972.
  2. Theoretical mechanics: ryg. allowance. Ed. D.g. Medvedev.-Minsk: BSU, 2006.
  3. I.v. Mescherski Compilation problems on theoretical mechanics. M. Nauka, 1982.
  4. Theoretical mechanics: Workshop: ryg. allowance. Ed. D.g. Medvedev.-Minsk: BSU, 2005.
  5. Theoretical Mechanics: sat. tasks: ryg. allowance. Ed. D.g. Medvedev.-Minsk: BSU, 2008.


Methods of teaching

Mixed: dialogovo-heuristic, problematic


Learning language



Conditions (requirements), Current control

The oral interview, testing, individual tasks


The current form certification
