Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling (Joint Institute of BSU and DPU)

Specialty: Mechanics and mathematical modeling.
Qualification: Mechanic. Applied mathematician.
Code: 6-05-0533-13

Presentation of SIBD 2022-2023

Website of the Joint Institute of the Belarusian State University and Dalian Polytechnic University

The joint Chinese-Belarusian Institute of BSU and Dalian Polytechnic University (SIBD) is the first and unique international scientific and educational project for Belarus between two universities from different countries.

SIBD began its activities on September 1, 2019.

Today, Belarus pays special attention to the development of relations with China in the political, economic, social, and scientific spheres. Every year the number of Chinese companies that open their representative offices in Belarus is growing. The number of contacts between Belarusian citizens and residents of the Middle Kingdom increases from year to year. The introduction of a visa-free regime, the construction of the Great Stone industrial park, the opening of joint scientific and educational centers – all these are “bricks” in the construction of the global project “The Great Silk Road 2.0”. Joint training of specialists with the issuance of state diplomas of both countries is another “building block” and a logical continuation of the development of interstate relations.

The goal of the Joint Institute of BSU and DPU is to train highly qualified specialists who receive an international level natural science education with knowledge of the English language, an international outlook and innovative abilities, training professionals who meet the needs of the socio-economic development of both countries.

One of the tasks of the Joint Institute of BSU and DPU in organizing the educational process is the modernization of curricula. First of all, the changes concern the number of hours allocated to studying foreign languages. The number of hours of English has been increased (up to 286 hours), and the study of the Chinese language has been included in the curriculum (238 hours). Starting from the 2nd year, certain disciplines are taught in English, which further promotes involvement in the language environment of the chosen specialty. In the future, it is planned to open training at the second stage of higher education (master’s degree).

Among the potential places of employment: resident companies of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park “Great Stone”, as well as the High Technology Park (EPAM Systems, IBA IT Park, Itransition, BelHard Development LLC, Exadel LLC, etc.). A number of agreements have already been concluded providing for the distribution of graduates.

Graduate departments: Department of Bio- and Nanomechanics; Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.