
Admiralova Alexandra


Birth date: October 28, 1992
Birth place: Minsk, Belarus

2009–2014 –  student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU

2014–2015 – master degree student at the Department of Higher Algebra and  Information Security, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU 

2015–2018 – post-graduate student at the Department of Higher Algebra and  Information Security, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU

Since 2020 – assistant of the Department of Higher Algebra and  Information Security, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU

Scientific interests

⦁ Combinatorial group theory
⦁ Representation theory


  1. Beniash-KryvetsV. V., Admiralova A. N.  On Linear Groups with the Property of Order Finiteness of All Primitive Words in Generators // Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. 2016. Vol. 21. №. 1. P. 23–35.
  2. Beniash-KryvetsV. V., AdmiralovaA. N. On representation varieties of one class of one-relator groups // Vestnik BSU, Ser. 1, 2016. № 3. P. 166–172 (in Russian).
  3. Admiralova, A. On linear group with the property of order finiteness of all primitive words in generators // 7th European Congress of Mathematics: abstract of talks,Berlin, July 18- 22, 2016. P. 623.
  4. AdmiralovaA.N. , Beniash-KryvetsV.V. On non-isomorphic groups with isomorphic  varieties of n-dimensional representations  // Proceedings of the Internat. Conf., Dedicated. To the 70-th anniversary of V. M. Levchuk, Siberian Federal University. Krasnoyarsk, 2016. P. 3–4 (in Russian).
  5. AdmiralovaA.N. , Beniash-KryvetsV.V.  On representation and character varieties of some group classes // Proceedings of the XII Belarusian Mathematical Conference, Minsk, 2016.  Part 5. P. 3–4 (in Russian).
  6. AdmiralovaA.N. , Beniash-KryvetsV.V.  On representation varieties of some HNN extensions of free groups  // The 11-th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine to the 75-th anniversary of V. V. Kirichenko: Abstract of reports. Kyiv, 2017.  P. 13.
  7. Beniash-KryvetsV. V., AdmiralovaA. N. On representation varieties of one class of finitely generated groups // Proceedings of the XV International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications», Dedicated to the centenary of the birth of N.M. Korobov. Tula, 2018.  P. 65-67 .
  8. A.N. Admiralova, V.V. Beniash-Kryvets On representation varieties of some HNN extensionsoffree products of cyclic groups // Proceedings of the Internat. Algebraic Conf., Dedicated To the 110-th anniversary of A.G.Kurosh. Moscow, 2018. P. 26-29 (in Russian).
  9. Beniash-KryvetsV. V., AdmiralovaA. N.   On representation varieties of some HNN extensions of free groups  //  Vestnik BSU, Ser. 1, 2018. № 2. P. 10-16.
  10. Beniash-KryvetsV. V., AdmiralovaA. N. On representation varieties of some one-relator products of cyclic groups // Chebyshevskii sbornik, 2020. Vol. 21, no.1. P.62-81.