Dean’s Office

Bosiakov Siarhei M.
Professor of Department of Bio- and Nanomechanics
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 207
Subjects taught
  • Strength of materials and fundamentals of structural mechanics
  • DS Dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity in the subjects taught
Karnevich Oksana N.
Deputy Dean for Educational Work
Senior Lecturer of Department of Geometry, Topology and Mathematics Teaching Methodology
4 Nezavisimosti Avenue, Office 416, Minsk 220030, Belarus
Subjects taught
  • Analytic geometry
  • Methods of teaching mathematics
  • Workshop on solving problems in mathematics
Yablonskaya Natalya B.
Volunteer Deputy Dean for Educational Work
Associate Professor of Department of General Mathematics and Computer Science
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 413 А
Subjects taught
  • Fundamentals of higher mathematics
  • Fundamentals of information technology
Dick Tatiana N.
Leading Specialist (Volunteer Deputy Dean for Scientific Work and International Cooperation)
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 425
Deryushev Andrei A.
Responsible for International Cooperation in the Field of Educational Activities
Associate Professor of Department of

Web-technologies and Computer Modeling

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 419
Subjects taught
  • Information technologies (section “Operating environments and networks”)
  • Information technologies (section “Operating environments of mobile devices”)
  • Cross-platform applications for mobile devices.
Abramchuk Nina V.
Full-Time Department Methodologist
пр-т Независимости 4, к. 207
Vaitovich Marina A.
Part-Time Department Methodologist
пр. Независимости 4, к. 421, г. Минск
Shcherba Elena I.
Leading Specialist
пр-т Независимости 4, к. 421