Mathematics and Computer Science (Mathematics)

Specialty: Mathematics and Computer Science.
Profiling: Mathematics.
Qualification: Mathematician. Programmer.
Code: 6-05-0533-07

This area trains highly qualified specialists in the field of mathematical and computer modeling and solving a wide range of non-trivial complex problems. The graduate masters modern information technologies up to the development of methods of artificial intelligence, neural networks, information security and applied systems analysis. The basis of the mathematical educational process in this area is fundamental mathematical courses taught at the highest international level, including real, complex and functional analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theory of extremal problems, combinatorial modeling and operations research, conflict theory. Graduates of this specialization work in research centers, universities, IT companies and enterprises in many countries. Including in Belarus, Russia, Great Britain, Vietnam, Germany, China, USA.

More than 100 candidates of science and 17 doctors of science have been trained in this area. 34 scientific monographs have been written. They were published by the world’s leading publishing houses and translated into foreign languages (English, German, Spanish). 42 textbooks have been published.

Graduate departments: Department of Higher Algebra and Information Security; Department of Geometry, Topology and Teaching Methods; Department of Function Theory; Department of Functional Analysis and Analytical Economics.