General mathematics and computer science department


Head of Department: Professor, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics – Valery A. Erovenko

Department Staff: 3 Professors, 16 Associate Professors, 13 Senior Lecturers and 1 Assistant.

Research area:

  • Stability of operators with closed range and their spectral characteristics – the supervisor: Prof. Erovenko V.A.
  • Problems onto-epistemological justification of Mathematical Sciences and Scientific Director: Professor Erovenko V.A.
  • Investigation of problems of nonlinear operator equations and wave motion in continuous media with free boundary – the supervisor: Associate Professor Samodurov A.A.
  • Philosophical-methodological study of mathematics education at the faculties of nonmathematical Profile – supervisor: Prof. Erovenko V.A.
  • Scientific and methodological basis for building a complex of textbooks in mathematics and computer science – the supervisor: Associate Professor Samodurov A.A., Associate Yashkin V.I.
  • Computer support for mathematics education in the humanities and natural science faculty advisors: Professor Alekhno A.G., Associate Professor Matejko O.M.


  • spectral and Fredholm theory of operators in Banach spaces;
  • methods for solving boundary value problems for differential and integral equations;
  • methodology of mathematics teaching and computer science for students of humanitarian and natural specialties

Scientific directions:

  • Stability with respect to regular operators in Banach space and related with them essential operators
  • Philosophical and methodological evidence-based mathematical education at the faculties of a non-mathematical profile
  • Scientific and methodological basics for writing a selection of textbooks in mathematics and information technologies
  • Computer support for mathematics education at the humanities and natural science faculties