
Organization and holding of scientific conferences at the Faculty:

  • Belarus-China International Workshop on Computational Mechanics for Granular and Geo-materials (July 8–10, 2024);
  • Transformation of Mechanics and Mathematics and IT-Education in Terms of Digitalization (April 26 – 27, 2023);
  • BMC 2016 — XII International scientific conference “Belarusian Mathematical Conference” (September 5-10, 2016);
  • ISBRA 2016 — XII International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (June 5-8, 2016);
  • DIMA 2015 — International scientific conference “Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Its Applications” devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Dmitri A. Suprunenko (September 4-18, 2015);
  • WebConf 2015 — International scientific-practical conference “Web programming and Internet technologies” (May 12-14, 2015);
  • 71st Scientific Conference of students and postgraduates (2014);
  • SMTinMB 2013 — I International scientific-practical conference “Shells and membranes theory in Mechanics and Biology, from the macro- to the nanoscale structures” (September 16-20, 2013);
  • BMC 2012 — XI International scientific conference “Belarusian Mathematical Conference” (November 5-9, 2012);
  • WebConf 2012 — International scientific-practical conference “Web programming and Internet technologies” (June 5-7, 2012);
  • ISTF 2010 — VI International Symposium in Tribo-fatigue (October 25th – November 1st, 2010);
  • IV Belarusian Congress in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (November 18-20, 2009);
  • DIMA 2009 — International scientific conference “Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Its Applications” devoted to the 80th anniversary of Professor Regina I. Tyshkevich (October 19-22, 2009);
  • p-ADIC MATHPHYS 2009 — IV International Conference in p-adic mathematical physics (September 20-26, 2009);
  • AMADE 2009 — V International scientific conference “Analytical Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations” (September 14-19, 2009);
  • WebConf 2009 — nternational scientific-practical conference “Web programming and Internet technologies” (June 8-10, 2009);
  • International seminar in Geometry dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor V.I. Vedernikov (February 10-12, 2009);