Head of Department: Professor, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics – Andrei V. Lebedev
Department Staff: 1 Academician, 4 Professors, 2 Associate Professors
Scientific directions
- mathematical analysis,
- operator theory,
- dynamical systems,
- linear and nonlinear integral equations
- qualitative theory of differential equations and functional differential equations
- approximate methods for solving operator equations
- stochastic differential equations
- control theory and mathematical economics
Main educational courses
- optimization methods,
- calculus of variations
- operations research,
- statistical methods in economics,
- combinatorial modeling and operations research
Main disciplines of specialization
- convex analysis,
- ordered linear spaces,
- mathematical foundations of the consumption theory,
- economic-mathematical models,
- chapters from multivariate analysis and economic applications,
- elements of the queueing theory,
- stochastic analysis of financial markets,
- information theory,
- probabilistic models of market prices,
- mathematics and mathematical models,
- inventory control models