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Sergey A. Samal
Head of Department
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher mathematics
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Mathematical programming
- Fundamentals of Econometrics
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Nikolay S. Kovalenko
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher mathematics
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Fundamentals of higher mathematics
- Parallel programming
3 / 3.
Svetlana N. Baranovskaya
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher Mathematics (HME)
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics (PMS)
4 / 4.
Natallia V. Kepchik
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher mathematics
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Fundamentals of computer science and programming
5 / 5.
Oleg M. Mateiko
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher mathematics
- Basics of Information Technology
6 / 7.
Marina V. Marton
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Fundamentals of information technology
- Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics
7 / 8.
Vera A. Prokasheva
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher mathematics
- Probability theory
- Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics
8 / 9.
Natallia I. Shirokanova
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher Mathematics
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
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Natalya B. Yablonskaya
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 226
- Fundamentals of higher mathematics
- Fundamentals of information technology
10 / 11.
Victor I. Yashkin
Associate Professor
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences, Associate Professor
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Higher Mathematics
- Computer Information Technology
- Boundary value problems in microelectronics
- Engineering graphics
11 / 12.
Oksana A. Velko
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics (FFSN)
- Fundamentals of Information Technologies (FFSN)
- Fundamentals of Information Technology (FMO)
- Information technologies in legal activities (Faculty of Law)
12 / 13.
Natallia A. Moiseeva
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Fundamentals of Computer Science (Faculty of Geography)
- Higher mathematics with basics of computer science (Faculty of Geography)
- Fundamentals of Information Technology (FMO)
13 / 14.
Aleh U. Tsimakhovich
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Fundamentals of higher mathematics
- Fundamentals of information technology
- Mathematical modeling of chemical processes
14 / 15.
Lyudmila A. Shmat
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 420
- Fundamentals of Information Technology
- Mathematical Modeling
- Higher Mathematics
15 / 16.
Olga N. Stashevich
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 226
- Basics of Information Technology
16 / 17.
Vasily R. Sindarov
Senior Lecturer
prasp. Niezaliežnasci 4, Minsk, Room 311
- Basics of Information Technology