Differential equations and system analysis department


Valery I. Gromak

Head of department
Professor, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics
Courses taught
  • Differential equations
+375 17 209-50-45
4 Nezavisimosti av., room 341

Dmitri N. Cherginets

Associate professor
Associate professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
Courses taught
  • Differential Equations
  • Computer Mathematics
  • Mathematical Bases of Information Security
+375 17 209-50-45
4 Nezavisimosti av., room 341

Larisa L. Golubeva

Associate professor
Associate professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
Courses taught
  • Computer mathematics
  • Computer graphics
  • Visual modeling
+375 17 209-50-45
4 Nezavisimosti av., room 341

Alexander E. Malevich

Associate professor
Associate professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
Courses taught
  • Computer mathematics
  • Mathematical and Computer Modeling
+375 17 209-50-45
4 Nezavisimosti av., room 341

Natalia L. Shcheglova

Associate professor
Associate professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
Courses taught
  • Computer mathematics
shcheglova@bsu.by, shcheglova@tut.by
+375 17 209-50-45
4 Nezavisimosti av., room 341