Web-technologies and computer modeling department


Head of Department: Associate professor, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics – Vasily M. Volkov

Department staff: 2 professors, 19 associate professors, 10 senior lecturers and 5 assistants


  • Web-programming and Internet Technologies;
  • Mobile devices software.

The main disciplines of “Web-programming and Internet Technologies” specialization:

  • Linux environment
  • Web application development
  • Software testing automation
  • Big data Hadoop foundations
  • Programming language C#. Basics of ASP.NET;
  • Mathematical models in informational technologies
  • Number-theoretical methods in cryptography
  • Statistical analyses of programming language R
  • Introduction to systems analyses
  • Web services

Scientific directions of the department:

  • theory of difference schemes;
  • theory of invariant immersion methods;
  • computational method of singular integral equations;
  • theory of reduction methods for Cauchy problem;
  • numerical and continual integration;
  • operator interpolation;
  • computer architecture, information networks and environment.
  • method of using IT in university courses of mathematics