The goal of the project

The goal of the “Friends in Dalian” project (for the Chinese side ­– “Friends in Minsk”) is to promote mutual communication between students of the BSU-DUT Joint Institute (BDJI) and the DUT-BSU Joint Institute (DBJI) in the framework of the educational process. The implementation of the project will contribute to the expansion of interaction between BDJI and DBJI by strengthening international contacts between students of both institutes.

The concept of the project

The Belarusian State University and Dalian University of Technology are the leading universities in the Republic of Belarus and People’s Republic of China. The BSU-DUT Joint Institute was established in 2019. Even earlier, in 2017, the DUT-BSU Joint Institute was created. However, it should be mentioned that the students of these two institutes know so little about each other!

During the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, you are offered the opportunity to find friends in Dalian/Minsk through on-line communication, and at the same time to improve your English language skills. Participation in three creative stages of the project will help you with this. After each stage, it is planned to conduct a chat (by WeChat in a specially created group). During the chat, students will have the opportunity to discuss the progress and results of each of the stages, ask one another a variety of questions in order to learn more about each other, and make friends. At the final stage, students will choose the three most interesting questions from the students of the partner institute.



  • preparation: April 2021;
  • performance of group video presentation of the teams of the two institutes: 04/27/2021 (an online presentation will be held 04/27/2021, the details of the meeting about the place and time will be given by 04/23/2021).

Stage II.


  • preparation April-May 2021; the project must be sent by 05/14/2021 to
  • performance of the video project: 05/19/2021 (05/17/2021 the details of the meeting about the place and time will be given).

Stage III.

Videoconference for participating teams will be held during the last week of May 2021. It will include the announcement of the results, winners’ impressions and comments, exchange of views between the students of both institutes.

What will the participation in the «FRIENDS IN DALIAN» & «FRIENDS IN MINSK» project give you?

By participating in the project, you can:

  • make new friends in Dalian/Minsk;
  • improve your knowledge of the English language;
  • get a lot of positive emotions;
  • create a new prospects for your future career.

In addition, your contribution to the project will be taken into account in assessing the current performance in English and at the selection of BDJI students to the team for participation in future summer educational schools in Dalian, and the most active of you will be encouraged by the Dean of the faculty.


More details about project’s topics and requirements in the info file: “Friends in Dalian”

If any questions feel free to contact us at